2008-05-06 13:26:12 UTC
My mother is dying from lung tumour (despite never smoking a cigarette). She needs a cancer treatment but does not have enough money to cover it.
My father is a Singaporean citizen. He fought in the battle to defend Singapore. In order to remain fighting, he has to survive on raw cassava and drinks infested water, infested by corpses.
My father never asked for anything from Singaporean Government despite his severe sacrifices for Singapore and Singaporean citizens, not even in his dying days. (He had diabetes and died in 1998).
I went to the embassy of Singapore but they say, they cannot help because my mother is not Singaporean.
This week, my mother had to go to the ER due to major breathing difficulty. I was told by the Doctor that without cancer treatment, my mother is going to die soon.
Is there really no way for the Government of Singapore to help my mother?